Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Fever Ticks Lay Claim to a Million Acres in Texas
Texas Animal Health Commission
Box l2966 * Austin, Texas 78711 * (800) 550-8242 * FAX (512) 719-0719
Bob Hillman, DVM * Executive Director
For info, contact Carla Everett, information
officer, at 1-800-550-8242, ext. 710, or ceverett@tahc.state.tx.us
For immediate release---
Fever Ticks Lay Claim to a Million Acres in Texas
The Texas Animal Health Commission (TAHC) marked an ominous anniversary July 3 by expanding the preventive cattle fever tick quarantine area in south Texas by 307,000 acres, after the dangerous livestock pests were detected on cattle outside quarantine areas in Starr and Zapata counties. Fever ticks, capable of carrying and transmitting deadly “tick fever” to cattle, have been detected on livestock or wildlife on 139 Texas pastures during the past 12 months.
“In July 2007, the first preventive quarantine was established--39,325 acres in Starr county--to
enable the US. Department of Agriculture’s Tick Force and the TAHC to inspect and treat livestock moved from the area, get ahead of the fever tick and push it back across the quarantine line,” said Dr. Bob Hillman, Texas’ state veterinarian and head of the Texas Animal Health Commission, the state’s livestock and poultry health regulatory agency. “Now, a year later, we have more than a million acres under preventive quarantines in Starr, Zapata, Jim Hogg, Maverick, Dimmit and Webb counties, in addition to the half-million acres in the permanent fever tick quarantine zone that runs alongside the Rio Grande, from Del Rio to Brownsville.”
The enlarged preventive quarantine includes portions of Starr, Zapata counties and a small area in Jim Hogg County. It is bounded on the north by Texas Highway 16, from its intersection on the west with US Highway 83 to its eastern junction with Ranch Road 649. Ranch Road 649 is
the eastern boundary to its southern intersection with US Highway 83, which is the western boundary stretching northward to the intersection with Texas Highway 16. Maps of this and all
preventive fever tick quarantines are available on the TAHC website at http://www.tahc.state.tx.us or by calling the TAHC at 800-550-8242.
“This is no longer a ‘border war’ against the fever tick,” said Dr. Hillman. “The fever tick has gained a substantial foothold on Texas soil, and without adequate resources to fight this pest, it will spread.” The fever tick, which can survive winters from coast to coast and as far north as Washington, D. C., was successfully pushed back into Mexico in 1943. Periodic tick incursions since then have occurred in Texas, but only one, in the 1970s, eclipsed the current outbreak for the number of premises infested and took six years to eradicate.
“In smaller states, a quarantine area the size of Delaware would raise red flags,” said Dr.
Hillman. “Texas’ vastness and the previous success at keeping the fever tick controlled may
be working against us. Now we need help, with a million more acres to cover and finding about a
dozen infested premises a month.”
“Early this year, the fever tick program received $5.2 million of the $13 million of federal funds
requested to fight the tick, and while appreciated and used, it is not enough to win this battle,” said Dr. Hillman. “Furthermore, there has been no funding for the National Fever Tick Eradication Strategic Plan, developed and approved by USDA in 2006. It called for preventing entry of cattle fever ticks into the U.S., enhancing surveillance, and eradicating infestations resulting from fever tick incursions. The plan also was to identify and procure the tools necessary to keep the U.S. free of fever ticks, and to work with Mexico, where cattle fever ticks are not controlled. The strategic plan has not been implemented.”
“It’s really a ‘pay now or pay later’ scenario, because this tick won’t be stopped with less than
an all-out assault that requires adequate personnel, sufficient treatment products, and enough equipment, such as portable dipping vats or portable spray boxes for cattle, and treatment
equipment for deer and other wildlife hosts,” said Dr. Hillman. “Texas has a ticking time bomb
in south Texas. So far, we have had only two of the three elements for a ‘tick fever’ outbreak--fever ticks and fever tick hosts--including cattle, horses and several species of wildlife. If, however, some of these fever ticks carry babesia, a blood parasite deadly to cattle, the equation would be complete and we could see livestock death losses.”
On the front lines are the ranchers in the preventive quarantine areas who must gather their
cattle for inspection-which in the south Texas brush country usually requires helicopters and
cowboys on horseback. The TAHC and USDA work cooperatively to provide the inspections to
determine the scope of infestation in the area. Cattle, horses and ruminants, including llamas and camels, also must be inspected, treated and permitted prior to leaving the area.
Dr. Hillman encouraged ranchers to comply with the preventive quarantines and asked producers in adjacent counties to have their livestock checked prior to movement out of the area. “In discussions with ranchers, it has been suggested that cattle moving through south Texas livestock markets be inspected and dipped prior to sale,” said Dr. Hillman. “This is being considered, but it, too, requires additional personnel, chemicals and the construction of dipping vats, resources we do not have at this time.”
“We have traced more than 1,000 cattle moved from ranches later found to be tick-infested,”
said Dr. Hillman. “Requesting an inspection prior to movement costs nothing for the rancher,
but it could save us countless hours of tracking cattle, time that could be better used in the
field to fight the ticks. I also encourage ranchers anywhere in Texas to call us if they see tick infestations on their cattle. We can check the animals, and collect and send tick samples to the state-federal laboratory for identification. We do not want to take any chances with these ticks and spread them further.” Ranchers can call their area TAHC office, or the agency headquarters at 800-550-8242.
Ranches where ticks have been detected are quarantined, and cattle are rounded up, inspected
and treated as often as every two weeks, or as seldom as every 28 days, depending on the
treatment method-dipping, spraying or injection with Dectomax, an injectable treatment. The
cattle are repeatedly treated and returned to the pasture to ‘pick up’ ticks on the vegetation,
until the animals are tick-free, indicating that the premises is free of the pests.
Another method of clearing a pasture of ticks involves removing clean, treated cattle and ‘vacating’ the pasture for as long as nine months to starve out the ticks. Recently, this method
has met with less than positive results, as ticks have demonstrated their adaptability to live on
wildlife when cattle hosts are not available.
“Historically, fever ticks preferred cattle, and sometimes, hitched a ride on horses. Now fever
ticks are being detected not only on white-tailed deer and nilgai, but also on aoudad sheep, fallow, axis and red deer, and elk. Fighting fever ticks on a variety of species--especially
free-ranging animals that don’t respect fences--makes this battle much more difficult,” said Dr. Hillman.
Currently, treatment of wildlife or exotic livestock is limited to providing corn treated with an insecticide, or setting up feeding stations equipped with treated posts that transfer pyrethrin, an insecticide, to the animal’s head and neck. Later, as the animal grooms itself, the pyrethrin is distributed across its body, killing the fever ticks. The problem: some products require a 60-day
withdrawal period, so they can’t be used just prior to or during the hunting season. In the
quarantined areas, the hides of harvested animals are either left behind, or inspected and treated prior to being removed from the premises.
“Concerns about fever ticks run deep in Texas, where the TAHC was established in 1893 to fight this pest. A Fever Tick Working Group, with industry and related agency membership, is
working on recommendations for getting ahead of the fever tick, so it can be pushed back to the
border. Likewise, a Wildlife Subcommittee also is working on suggestions for addressing fever
ticks on free-ranging and exotic livestock,” said Dr. Hillman. “Fighting fever ticks may seem
simple, but it’s not easy…and it’s never cheap.”
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pets and Fireworks: Keep The Booms Away From Boomer, Expert Says
COLLEGE STATION, July 2, 2008 – When it comes to fireworks, animal experts agree: keep those booms far from Boomer.
“It’s not a very wise idea to keep pets anywhere near where fireworks are being set off. The possible dangers and the stress it creates for animals are very real,” says Dr. John August, a professor in Texas A&M University’s College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.
Animals frightened by fireworks may shake or tremble, have excessive drooling, barking and howling, or may even lose bladder control, notes August.
“Loud noises from fireworks can cause some dogs to have seizures which may develop into a life-threatening situation,” he confirms. “Also, epilepsy can be triggered by loud explosions.”
Animals, especially dogs, can chew on exploded or unexploded fireworks and the ingredients in them are toxic, notes August.
“These chemicals and materials can cause severe stomach and digestive trouble, possibly even death, if ingested.” Additionally, August says that pet hair can easily catch fire, so pets should be kept as far away from the fireworks as possible to prevent burns.
August highly recommends keeping pets indoors if fireworks are being set off nearby.
“It is best to have a television or radio playing because these are familiar sounds to the pet and they will provide a distraction. Your presence may also have a calming effect,” he adds.
If scared, indoor cats can usually find a hiding place under a bed or table, notes August.
“If the animal can’t be kept indoors, provide a place in the yard, such as a dog house. An animal carrier may help your pet feel safer and provide a sense of security and comfort.
The loud noises generated by fireworks can be very upsetting to pets and may cause improper behavior such as destruction of property, hiding, escaping, or extreme anxiety, notes August. In severe cases, pets may need to be sedated.
If you have previously sedated your pet for loud noises and the effects were beneficial, it might be best to continue the practice, notes August. “But this should only be done as a last resort,” he believes.
“Pets and fireworks are not a great combination, so help your pet survive the loud, explosive celebrations in their own retreat, away from the noise.”
Pet Talk is a service of the College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Texas A&M University. Stories can be viewed on the Web at http://tamunews.tamu.edu/.
Failure of Passive Transfer
What allows these serious infections to occur in such a young, fragile offspring is often related to the baby not nursing the dam soon enough after birth in order to receive the very important colostrum. In some cases, it's possible that the dam's immune system wasn't properly prepared for the germ Mother Nature showed the baby, so although the newborn nursed well and in a timely manner, the colostrum was a little lacking since mama's immune system was deficient in some way. That's what is meant by "failure of passive transfer".
Since the newborn's immune system isn't ready to "take on the world" of germs, mama's milk needs to provide immediate protection. This is a concept we've all been familiar with since basic animal husbandry classes. But what sometimes isn't understood is that the window of opportunity for the absorption of these protectors against disease that are in the colostrum is relatively short. The time frame varies a little depending on whose opinion you're hearing, but I learned within the first 8 hours of birth. Some offer a more narrow window for the best chance of protection.
So what's the big deal? We all can expect the newborn to certainly have an opportunity to nurse within 8 hours. Or maybe not. What about that cow that wasn't culled last year because she's pregnant again and she always does a good job on her calf. The only problem is the several calves she's had and the plentiful milk she provides have caused her teats to be so big the calf can't get them in his mouth. Or maybe only one of her teats is enlarged, but that's the one her calf chooses to try to nurse while he's still wobbly legged. The mare with the nervous disposition that was bred since she wasn't suited for anything else has now gone through pregnancy and labor; she's still nervous and unsettled and won't let her baby even try to nurse.
The other important thing to consider is preparing the dam's immune system with the proper ammunition through a thoughtful, systematic approach to vaccination. If you are uncertain what types of infections and diseases are prevalent in your area, the local veterinarian should have already done the homework for you. He or she is probably happy to share the knowledge. Saving expense by shortcuts on nutrition and proper mineral supplementation, may compromise the vaccination protocol. So don't be too quick to blame 'ol Doc because the vaccine recommended didn't seem to help at all. Those animals need a healthy immune system in order to respond to the vaccination.
There's quiet a lot of stuff that can allow "failure of passive transfer" to occur. The end result is almost always the same, though. The dam's inventory cost is real. Her lack of productivity is too.
DSHS Offers Hot Weather Precautions

As many Texas areas mark record high temperatures, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) health officials offer precautions people can take to reduce the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
The elderly, the very young, people with chronic diseases and those without access to air conditioning are those most likely to suffer in extremely hot weather.
Staying in an air-conditioned area, either at home or in a public place such as a mall, library or recreation center, is the most effective way to combat heat. If air conditioning is not available, open the windows, pull the shades down to keep out the sun and use cross-ventilation and fans to cool rooms.
Other heat precautions from DSHS:
· Never leave anyone in a closed, parked vehicle in hot weather, even for a short time.
· Drink plenty of fluids, but avoid drinks with alcohol, caffeine or a lot of sugar. Don't wait until you are thirsty. Start drinking fluids at least 30 minutes before going out.
· Plan strenuous outdoor activity for early morning or evening when it’s cooler.
· Take frequent breaks when working outside.
· At the first signs of heat illness – dizziness, heavy sweating, nausea, headaches, muscle cramps – move to a cooler location, rest a few minutes and slowly drink a cool liquid. Seek medical attention immediately if conditions do not improve.
· Eat more frequently but be sure meals are well balanced, cool and light.
· Check frequently on the elderly, the ill and others who may need help.
· Adjust to the environment. A sudden change in temperature – an early heat wave or travel to a hotter climate – will be stressful to the body. Limit physical activity until you become accustomed to the heat.
· Check with a doctor or pharmacist about the effects of sun and heat when taking prescription medications, especially diuretics or antihistamines.
The best defense against heat-related illness is prevention. Staying cool, drinking plenty of fluids, wearing cool clothing and monitoring outdoor activities are keys to staying healthy in hot weather.